Saturday, 14 September 2013

The Beah Club

Gahhh. I love Oyster Mag. Seriously. Every time I take a peek online, I'm never let down. Wait. I was once. But that was only because I couldn't find anything new. And that was only because I'd been searching through the archives for like, four hours in a row. 
My delight this time round was this whimsical washed out shoot featuring Stolen Girlfriends Club second run for Urban Outfitters You can read the write up from Oyster direct but I had to take these images for myself and I just love them so. The concept and styling make me reminisce of 90's comfort clothes worn whilst holidaying at the beach town up the coast over Christmas break. Styled by Zara Mirkin, yeah I giggled at the surname too, then I clicked on the link and was taken to her site... which, well, is another story. A story I'm already a little confused and addicted to myself. 
Shot in a candid kind of way, a way that is eerily similar to the holiday snaps you find as an adult of that time when you were twelve and you made your little sister photograph you while you modelled.... Like that but way cooler. Obviously. Come on, don't tell me you never did that?! Well this is that. But awesome!


Monday, 26 August 2013

Who Wears The Pants?

God forbid if I were born prior the 20th Century. Or followed a religion of some sort. 
I have a lot of love for pants, or trousers, depending what country you're in (now living in London I've made the mistake several times asking sales assistance where I can find the pants. "We don't sell undergarments" they reply with a look of 'you idiot'.
Definitely a pants girl I am. More freedom maybe? I suppose I do like to wriggle a lot and pants let me do this freely without flashing my smalls to the world on a daily basis. 
I once had a boyfriend who, after we broke up, cleared his belongings out of my home while I was at work. I returned home that night to find he'd taken three pairs of my favorite jeans. Out of revenge? No. He just liked them. I still see him rocking them in Facebook photos. I'm not sure what that says about my style or his choices? 
Trousers have come a long way since they were first adorned by the ladies back in the day.
Shape, print, cut, pattern, colour... here's some of my faves. Swoon.


Check out my fashion blog here!

(via London str RFW13 0857 | Fashionista)

(via Paris A/W 2013 street style - part one gallery - Vogue Australia)

(via Paris A/W 2013 street style - part one gallery - Vogue Australia)

(via Paris A/W 2013 street style - part one gallery - Vogue Australia)

(via brown dress with white dots)


All White Everything (by Micah Gianneli)


Monday, 1 July 2013

"You have to be prepared for people to hate you. Average people love to be average, because nobody bothers them."
Kelly Cutrone (via vogueweekend)