Thursday, 12 July 2012

I have a slightly scattered brain this week. Half of it is in black and white, the other half in colour (I tend to think of my brain in colour). I leave in a few days to go on a five month adventure. I feel like I should have lots of thoughts but all I have is this odd sense of calm which I think might be the black and white then there is the colour which is the bursts of excitement I'm feeling.
If I'm not feeling particularly inspired, I look through old images I have stored away and scroll through until one jumps out at me. These spoke to me tonight...


Monday, 9 July 2012

I stumbled across this amazeballs blog just last night, and I had to share! Click on and get lost in the beautiful images....

Thursday, 5 July 2012

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I came across a photo today of miss jodi gordon and she looked beautiful. I always liked her photos more than her acting- oh except for that part of her career on home & away when she briefly became a stripper! She has a really beautiful but strange, vacant look. No doubt a gorgeous face, but there is something almost awkward about her. I would love to see her manipulated more is shoots. For now, here are some images I found that I took a liking to....
Jodi Gordon